

Compra de Empresas

The process of buying a company or a business should be executed and planned in a pretty prudent way, ensuring and creating value to the asset, in order to minimize the risks and in turn increasing the return of the investment made.

The main reason that leads the investor to purchase a company or a business might be:

  • Market consolidation;
  • Individual or private growth;
  • Market opportunity.
  • Know-how

The acquisition makes it necessary to do a great job of analysing the whole environment of what the investment will be, being essential an in-depth study, in order to optimize the return of the invested capital and decreasing the future risks.

The process of acquisition is usually based on four fundamental phases:

  • Gathering of information;
  • Analysis and triage of main information;
  • Demonstration of the final results;
  • Contractual negotiation

These are the main and necessary steps that our clients go through until the final acquisition. Depending on the characteristics of each process it might be necessary to add more phases, in case after and during the analysis it becomes important.

